Soccer match in Philippi Village, Cape Town
Jan De Nul supported a soccer pitch improvement project in Cape Town to refurbish a complete pitch for the local youth.
The foundation stone has been laid at Florennes
Met Minister Ludivine Dedonder achter het stuur van een bulldozer starten de funderingswerken voor het toekomstige F-35 Complex op de vliegbasis van Florennes.
Ibn Battuta dredging at Payra Port
Jan De Nul completes capital dredging in Payra Port, the third seaport of Bangladesh. The access channel was officially opened on 26 March 2023.
Innovatieve koepel op Albertplein
Now that the underground works under the Albertplein in Knokke-Heist have been completed, developers PSR, part of Jan De Nul Group, and Goethals Promotor start
Soetaert shows its new logo
Last weekend, foundation expert Algemene Ondernemingen Soetaert nv celebrated its 100th anniversary on its own premises along the Esperantolaan in Ostend...
VOKA Rondetafelgesprek - Foto: Wim Kempenaers
Our colleague Julie De Pauw, Development Manager at PSR, shared her views and insights on the future of this crucial policy instrument.
Wagenborg Barge 8 transported the first monopiles
JDN starts works on Borkum Riffgrund 3 and Gode Wind 3, Les Alizés will install monopile foundations.
Simulator sessions with Les Alizés' digital twin in Norway
Eight crew members of our newest Heavy-Lift Vessel Les Alizés and seven support colleagues went to Norway for a week in early February for simulator sessions.
SEAVOLT technology
Belgian partners Jan De Nul, Tractebel, and DEME introduce SEAVOLT©, a new offshore floating photovoltaic (PV) technology