Discover what dreams you can make come true in our newsletter FOCUS #4

By 2050, the world will look very different. To face the challenges, we now combine all our efforts into our new corporate programme, Code Zero. Meanwhile, project execution is becoming more and more sustainable, as we improve access to city centres with carefully thought through infrastructure works, and connect islands to the mainland electricity supply. Do you wonder which dreams you can make come true with Jan De Nul group at your side? Read all about it in the fourth edition of our newsletter FOCUS..

Our newsletter brings you a mix of remarkable facts and figures, inspiring projects, expert insights, industry trends and fascinating stories from across the globe. You will learn all about the sustainable beach replenishment in Knokke and the construction of a safe and car-free connection between Kortrijk-Zuid and the city centre.  Plus we also take you on a 'mission impossible' to the island of Crete, which we recently connected to the electricity grid in Greece. All this under the flag of our new corporate programme Code Zero. Enjoy reading!