PPP contracts
In PPP contracts, contractors take on more tasks, from design to maintenance. This is where Jan De Nul Group's experience comes in handy.
Ministers' visit
Prime Minister Alexander De Croo, Minister for Energy Tinne Van der Straeten and State Secretary Thomas Dermine visited Jan De Nul Group and DEME's construction
Giving colour to the future
In April, we gathered with our colleagues at Brussels Gate to discuss the future of all our activities.
MALT Mechelen - Aanleg BEO-veld
Following the demolition and remediation of the old Inofer site, the drilling for the BEO field for MALT has started.
Signing the protocol
On 23 February, the Embuild partners, including Jan De Nul Group and subsidiary PSR, signed a protocol for climate-proof roofs in the presence of the Flemish Mi
Stone-laying prison Antwerp
On Tuesday 20 February 2024, the Blue Gate site hosted the official foundation stone-laying of the new prison in Antwerp in the presence of, among others, the S
Visit TU Delft students
On 5 February, 32 students from TU Delft's Master's programme in Engineering Project Management visited Jan De Nul's lock project in Panama.
The eco-valley seen from the side
Exactly two months after Flemish Minister for Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters and Flemish Minister for the Environment Zuhal Demir gave the go-ahead for