De Lediaan in Wilrijk
In today's construction landscape, sustainability and energy efficiency are no longer mere trends, but crucial imperatives. The construction industry is at a...
Princess Elisabeth Island - Biodiversity
To maximise the flourishing of biodiversity around the Princess Elisabeth Island, seven concrete measures will be taken.
As you read this, our floating crane vessel Les Alizés and water injection dredger Cosette are carrying out their first mission. Big deal, you say?
Today is 26 July: Day for the Conservation of the Mangrove Ecosystem.
The visitors of the Connector
Vorig jaar besloten vier landen om fossiele brandstoffen om te zetten naar hernieuwbare energie gewonnen op de Noordzee. Nu, in 2023, sluiten zich daar nog eens
Simulator sessions with Les Alizés' digital twin in Norway
Eight crew members of our newest Heavy-Lift Vessel Les Alizés and seven support colleagues went to Norway for a week in early February for simulator sessions.
We take our responsibility as a marine and civil player, and commit to solutions that benefit both people and nature.
UNITED wins the Blue Innovation Swell 2022 award of The Blue Cluster
Yesterday evening, Jan De Nul Group together with its partners in the Belgian UNITED project received the Blue Innovation Swell Award. For the third year in ...
Discover in our seventh magazine FOCUS how we protect the world in a sustainable way. Focus Jan De Nul Group.