Food Assistance Mozambique
Jan De Nul donates food and supplies for 100 families in Mozambique. VAMOZ, a civil society movement of volunteers, helps to distribute the goods.
Bollard Step
The efforts of Jan De Nul Group to always work in a safe and sustainable way have been recognised.
JDN Innovation Challenge 2020
In October, Jos, Pieter, Michiel, and Arne came up with an innovative idea. This summer they are launching the first tests in Mauritania.
Together with Goethals Promotor Jan De Nul’s project developer PSR will revive Place Matuvu in Knokke.
A mix of remarkable facts and figures, inspiring projects, expert insights, industry trends and fascinating stories from all across the globe.
Jan De Nul and Terres Rouges
The project staff decided to donate the (office) furniture to charity, more specifically to the organisation Terres Rouges.
Hedwige- en Prosperpolder
Just a stone's throw from the Port of Antwerp are the Dutch Hedwigepolder and the Belgian Prosperpolder.
Diogo cao wins Safety@Sea award
On December 1, MPA presented awards across four categories. Jan De Nul (S) Pte Ltd is one of the winners.
Blue Innovation Swell-award 2020
On October 27, 2020 we were awarded the Blue Innovation Swell-award for our innovative collaboration within the ambitious Coastbusters project.