UNITED wins the Blue Innovation Swell 2022 award of The Blue Cluster
Yesterday evening, Jan De Nul Group together with its partners in the Belgian UNITED project received the Blue Innovation Swell Award. For the third year in ...
ULEv Sanderus en Tristao da Cunha in Ostend
Jan De Nul Group deploys two Ultra Low Emission vessels, Tristão da Cunha and Sanderus, to dredge in Flemish ports.
The world is in a crisis and it is changing daily in front of our own eyes.
WID Cosette launched
Jan De Nul Group and the shipyard Neptune Marine near Dordrecht in the Netherlands, launched the new water injection dredger Cosette today.
Food Assistance Mozambique
Jan De Nul donates food and supplies for 100 families in Mozambique. VAMOZ, a civil society movement of volunteers, helps to distribute the goods.
On 15 February, Jan De Nul will start dredging and beach replenishment works in Ostend on behalf of the Belgian Public Maritime and Coastal Services Agency.
Bollard Step
The efforts of Jan De Nul Group to always work in a safe and sustainable way have been recognised.
JDN Innovation Challenge 2020
In October, Jos, Pieter, Michiel, and Arne came up with an innovative idea. This summer they are launching the first tests in Mauritania.
Together with Goethals Promotor Jan De Nul’s project developer PSR will revive Place Matuvu in Knokke.